Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lost Twins

Its been a few days since last we posted. The white and black twins in the previous post were lost one evening. We searched and searched, while the mother frantically called to them. They had been thriving, bouncing, and looking so nice. Yesterday we found one black leg in the field. As you can imagine we were grief stricken. But now, we must put it away and move on. The mother seems to have gotten over it. Her bag is huge with un-used milk. As for us...there are chores to do and dwelling on this only makes us more sad.----R


  1. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  2. Thanks Patchworkfibers. We've heard from 3 neighbors that a band of dogs is harassing livestock all around where we live. These neighbors all seem in agreement that something must be done. Its a never ending battle keeping ones livestock safe.

  3. I am not surprised. People like to blame coyotes, but it's usually bored domestic dogs. (And I hate to say that, because you know how much I love dogs.)
