Thursday, March 11, 2010


Here's a photo of Michelle, the yearling ewe that gave birth to that black lamb (the first of the season).  She looks so small and young, much too young to be having a baby. Last night and again this morning, still very little interest in her baby.  Wish those mothering hormones would kick in. 

It's also time to do some chicken sorting.  When you can't take a photo without a chicken getting in the way, maybe that's a signal that something has to be done.  Bottom left is one of Sharla's brothers... if noone wants him, he'll be in the stew pot this weekend.  Speak up, the clock is ticking...mmm dumplings

1 comment:

  1. I had an excellent chicken and wild rice soup yesterday - I will get the recipe from Anne if you happen to need it...
